Engnnovations (English-Innovations) in Primary Education to Make English Students’ Favourite Subject
Published 2021-05-31
- Primary Education,
- English Language Pedagogy
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English is a language of science, aviation, research, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. It is also a language of international communication, media, internet and medical sciences. English is considered to be a window to the modern world — an official and a link language which makes a bridge to reach at almost every heart under the sun. But, unfortunately, various students, teachers and guardians consider it to be very hard, difficult, complicated, problematic, dull and monotonous subject and have a phobia in their minds. They hesitate in using this language. This article is an attempt to scan, organise and present some responsible factors behind this phobia and suggest some ENGNNOVATIONS or ENGLISH-INNOVATIONS in primary education to ameliorate English teaching and learning process, to make English students’ favourite subject and to eliminate English phobia.