
Development and Standardisation of Scale for Assessing Readiness towards Blended Learning

Published 2022-02-28


  • Face-to-face learning,
  • Online Learning

How to Cite

Singh, S. P., & Gangwar, S. (2022). Development and Standardisation of Scale for Assessing Readiness towards Blended Learning. JOURNAL OF INDIAN EDUCATION, 47(4), p. 185-199.


 Blended learning approach has various advantages as it is an innovative instructional approach which integrates a variety of delivery strategies of online and face-to-face components. It allows the possibility to upgrade students’ achievements, and offers the opportunities to increase the flexibility to access learning resources and enhance self-directed learning at any time and pace. After the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become as an essentiality to integrate the online component with face-to-face learning. The present research was planned before the pandemic and authors decided to know the reaction of various stakeholders towards using blended learning approach for internship of teachers training programme. For this purpose, investigators developed a readiness scale with 35 items distributed under eight different dimensions. The scale is reviewed by various subject experts. The reviewed and corrected scale was administered on 383 subjects for try out and calculating various statistical values. Item analysis was performed and feedback obtained from item analysis led to the item deletion, modification and item replacement. Cronbach’s alpha is also computed to know the reliability of the scale. The development and standardisation procedure of readiness scale is described in the present paper in detail.